Author: parakeetcoffee_zliznx

Polyphonic Coffee

We are excited to launch our new name that is closer to Austin and its culture: Polyphonic Coffee. Just as many voices, notes and melodies can work together at the same time to create a single piece of music, richer from its many players, we see the similarity in coffee. A farmer, importer, roaster, barista, and consumer all play an important part in the music of coffee. We hope we play our part well, crafting drinks intentionally and selecting roasters that work with farmers of similar values.

We opened in November 2024 in Far South Austin to serve our community with interesting and thoughtful coffee and tea drinks. We try to change the menu enough each month to keep it interesting and of course pay attention to our core menu so you may rely on consistent and delicious drinks. We also serve local products that complement our coffee and tea menu.

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Looking Forward to Serving South Austin with Coffee

We are busy finishing construction and look forward to opening soon. Parakeet Coffee is sourcing beans roasted near and far. Roasters with different techniques, sourcing, and relationships. Our roasters share some values though. In addition to roasting great beans, they are dedicated to improving the lives of farmers. They work directly with many of their farmers. Through their roasting, they respect the natural gift of coffee. We will have their beans available for sale in retail bags. We plan on working with:

Wild Gift Coffee from Austion, Texas

Mother Tongue Coffee from Oakland, California

Rabbit Hole Roasters from Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters from Denver, Colorado

Zhi Tea from Austin, Texas

Texas French Bread from Austin, Texas

St. Cecilia Soda Company from Austin, Texas

Have a suggestion for someone else we should be supporting? Contact us and let us know!

Our baristas have experience serving South Austin customers. We appreciate the diverse and unique perspectives that make the Austin area our home. Our founder worked at Whole Foods Market for nearly 20 years. He oversaw programs including coffee, tea, wine, beer, and cheese. He was fortunate to work mostly with best-of-class products from smaller producers.

Although we will do our best to exceed expectations, we welcome feedback if you do not get what you hoped for. We are also excited to carry local products like pastries, sodas and waters from Austin. You will be able to place orders online for pickup in addition to ordering at the shop.

Given that the building provides a lot of natural light, the seating area is inviting. The small space encourages a quick conversation to connect with us or your friends, and then moving along with your day.

We hope to see you soon!